Clipping Money: It's Back!! 10 Brand Name Sunglasses for Men and Women...only $9.99 at Graveyard Mall ...


It's Back!! 10 Brand Name Sunglasses for Men and Women...only $9.99 at Graveyard Mall ...

Today at they have kind of a fun find...
10 Pair of Men's or Women's Sunglasses
(you will see several choices on the site)
$9.99 plus $5.99 shipping...
(Compare At: $199.00) I am a CHEAP sunglasses girl. I love to camp, fish, play at the lake and oh yeah! LOOSE SUNGLASSES!! I have literally almost made an art of it.
You really can't beat this offer...share them with friends, keep them in the camp box... build an army of snowmen and give them all shades...the price is that good!!
I have ordered A LOT from Graveyard Mall... and I have yet to be disappointed...they ship when they say that they will ship ... and so far, I have found that they discribe their products very well.  Kind of a fun find if you are a sunglass misplacin' chic like me!

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