Clipping Money: Walmart, Target, Kmart: Free or Nearly Free Lunch Boxes!


Walmart, Target, Kmart: Free or Nearly Free Lunch Boxes!


Arctic Zone Lunch Boxes – prices start at $3
send for Parents Magazine refund of $4.96
= Free + $1.96 overage


Embark Lunch Boxes – Prices start at $3.79
Send for Parents magazine refund of $4.96
= Free + $1.19 overage


Arctic Zone Lunch boxes – on sale for $4.99
Send for Parents Magazine refund of $4.96
= 3¢
(Thanks, Money Saving Madness)

*The Parents Magazine refund is found inside the lunch boxes in the form of a free 6-month subscription. Write ‘Refund’ on the card and mail it in to get the check.

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