Clipping Money: Kroger: Cheap Toilet Paper + Free Pillsbury Rolls


Kroger: Cheap Toilet Paper + Free Pillsbury Rolls

51TLhv11ShL. SL500 AA300  Kroger: Cheap Toilet Paper + Free Pillsbury Rolls
Here is a great deal on Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls and Charmin at Kroger!

Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls – $1.50 (buy 6)
use 6 of the 50¢/1 SS 10/10
= $3 + tax and earn a $3 Catalina
(Make this even better with eCoupons – load at Cellfire, Shortcuts, P&G and Kroger eCoupons)

Charmin 12 double rolls – $6.99
25¢/1 PG 10/31
$3/1 Charmin Kroger eCoupon
= $3.49
Thanks, My Dallas Mommy

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