Clipping Money: Target: Free Tag Books


Target: Free Tag Books

Leapfrog Tag Reader Books 300x231 Target: Free Tag Books

Possibly score Free Tag Books at Target starting this Sunday – Nov. 21. Wouldn’t this help lighten the load of the cost of Christmas presents??

Target Ad Scan (courtesy SD) - In the copy of the Target ad scan for this upcoming week, you will see that Tag books are Buy One Get One Free. Select titles will be marked at $9.99.

In and of itself this would be a great deal. However, to make this deal even  better use the
Tag book $5 manufacturer’s coupon (watch the short video and go to sweepstakes to get the coupon).  Depending on your Target’s practices, cashier, manager, etc..) you could potentially use the $5 off coupon on both books which means 2 LeapFrog books for Free.  SCORE!!!

How To SCORE!!
Tag Books BOGO – $9.99 (You Get 2)
- (2) $5 Manufacture Coupon - $10.00 (use small filler item if necessary)
= 2 for FREE

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