Clipping Money: Target Shopping Trip 11/18


Target Shopping Trip 11/18

     Ok, to be honest, today was not a good day to go to Target because they hired their holiday helpers and I really don't think anyone prepared them for the couponers. I couldn't help but laugh at the response I got when I asked if it was ok to ring up separate items. She smooched he face together, lowered her eyebrows and said "I guess. Not sure why you want me to do all that." I wanted to reply, "Oh, it's just for sh*its and giggles lady!" But I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I would just like to try something, please."

     She started with the first Toll House, rang it up for $1.96. I gave her the $1.00 manufacturers coupon and paid the change. I got back the $1.00 catalina for a Toll House cookie and preceded to have her ring up the next one.  She rang it up at $1.96, I gave her the manufacturers coupon, total came to $0.96 and then used the $1.00 Target Toll House (which adjusted down to $0.96) and then the lady looked at me..... Well, that can't be. How can you BUY something for FREE? I then told her the magic word! COUPONS. Odd thing was, she didn't get it. She then said she had to call a manager because the total was $0.00 and I can't leave the store with merchandise and not pay for it. Does she not realize that coupons are money. Hence, the name CLIPPING MONEY?!?!?!

     As the manager came up and the lady explained what happened and what she did and what I did and what I used and how I used it.... the voices started to fade and it almost sounded like Charlie Brown's teacher "WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH!" I started to tune back in when I heard the manager trying to teach couponing 101. So each of the Toll House cookies you see here were rung up separately and I only paid for the first one for $0.96.  The rest I rolled coupons with.

See, this receipt is $0.00 and that prompted the ALERT!!

6 cookies for the price of 1

I bought 6 night shirts
6 cookies
4 Prevacid
4 Mascara


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