Clipping Money: WOW! CHECK OUT MY MAILBOX!!!



     Ok, many of you know that I was (and really still am) very sick. It started with the flu and that knocked me down for 3 days. I was happy I stock piled the Theraflu along with the DayQuil and NyQuil. When I woke up yesterday, I was coughing like my body was trying very hard to reject one (if not both) of my lungs. My kids were looking at me with this really weird look.

     I asked what the matter was and my 5 year old, Anthony, said "Mom, you're not supposed to get sick. Why are you coughing?" I told him that I must have caught a bug. My 2 year old, Emily, said "Girls no pay with da bugs. Bugs eewww!" She then falls down, belly up, eyes shut and tongue out.  My eight year old, Joey, looks at me (still coughing), glances at Anthony (still looking for a better answer then the one I gave him) and looks at Emily (pretending to be dead on the floor) and responds, "I'll get the mail. It always makes you happy to see what you got." The mail... something I have not thought about in a very long time (3 days)!

     As I sit by the big window, watching my eight year old run to the mailbox and see his eyes get enormous... I knew it was good. He had to make several trips, he couldn't carry it all in. He even made a nice white trail that led back to the mailbox in case he forgot how to get there :) Joey, upon bringing in the last few pieces, plopped the mail on the floor and said, MERRY CHRISTMAS MOM! Ha ha, that really is what it feels like all year long!
(click on the picture to enlarge it)

Axe deodorant
Dove deodorant
1 coupon for a FREE bag of Natura Advantage dog food (I will donate)
2 Carmax lip glosses
8 coupons
1 Mega Red
2 coupons to Kohl's
1 Smuckers recipe booklet
2 Gamestop Gift cards (my coke rewards)
1 Home Depot Gift card (my coke reward)
2 samples of Just Like Sugar
$4.00 rebate check (honestly don't remember what it is from)
1 Neti Pot


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