Clipping Money: 3 Free Bottles Of Zoya Nail Polish


3 Free Bottles Of Zoya Nail Polish

zoya 300x279 3 Free Bottles Of Zoya Nail Polish

Press our Like button! Zoya Nail Polish wants 20,000 Facebook fans!

When they get 20,000 Likerss they will give everyone 3 Free Bottles of Zoya Nail Polish*! They are over 19,000 already so it looks like a done deal.

Details: To get the code, (this link won’t go live til they reach 20,000) MUST have 20,000 likes by 11:59 PM EST on January 3, 2011 (or before that date if 20,000 is reached). Code valid January 4 – 7 2011 only. The offer is void if 20,000 “Likes” is not reached by January 3, 2011 at 11:59PM. Offer good for 3 free bottles of nail polish per order. S/H charges apply.

Thanks, Kimberly

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