Clipping Money: Holiday Swagbucks Are Back


Holiday Swagbucks Are Back

YAY! The time has come: Holiday-themed Collector's Bills are here! There are 5 different designs of collector's bills, and you can win them all randomly through search.

You have from now until December 31st to collect all five! The Collector's Bills are distributed randomly through searching. If you collect all five by December 31st, you'll get a bonus 50 SB, which will be applied in January. Don't worry, they know when you win, so you don't have to do anything further once you win one.

In honor of their special holiday bucks, they are going to be putting a different spin on their Twitter Hashtag hookups this week. Take a picture of your winning collector's bill and share it on Twitter with #sbholidaybucks. Everyday they are going to hookup 3 people with 200 SB just for sharing their holiday bucks!


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Let's start sharing those great ideas!