Clipping Money: Walgreens Diaper Deal


Walgreens Diaper Deal

This week Walgreens brand diapers are BOGO. There are coupons that will make for a great deal. There are reports that the “free” diaper amount is being counted towards the Jingle Cash.  If that is the case…check out this diaper deal:
  • Buy 8 packs of Walgreens brand diapers for $7.99 each = $63.92
  • Receive 4 packs for FREE = $31.96
  • Then use (4) $1/1 Walgreens diaper (zip 90210) = $27.96 *note: you may be able to use (4) additional coupons on the free packs too!
  • Then receive $10.00 in Jingle Cash (Holiday Register Rewards)
That is like paying $17.96 for 8 packs or $2.25 a pack.

Thanks to Cassie at The Thrifty Couple


  1. please help i cant find the coupon i put in 90210 zip. thanks

  2. Sure can. The coupon looks identical to the one in this post. It took me a second to find it as well. I think it was either the 2 or 3 page

  3. i still cant find any i tried different zip and still cant find any. help

  4. Ok, use zip 90210. If I remember correctly, it's on the 2 page on the left hand side.


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