Clipping Money: 2010 Year End Savings


2010 Year End Savings


Wow, I simply can't believe that I saved my family $9884.01 in 2010!
I really didn't have a goal to reach, I just simply calculated what I saved throughout the year.
In my opinion, if you set a goal as to how much you want to save, you are more inclined to spend the money so you can save the money. Does that make sense? 

As many of you know, we are moving from Ohio to Pennsylvania. My husband is already there and I am staying behind to keep the kids in school and sell the house. The money we saved this year will be going towards our new house. I'm super excited!!

I'm not out to match or beat this years savings. I am simply going to shop like I usually do and SCORE those deals we need! I hope you spread the word about Clipping Money & help share ideas and all your deals. Small deals, to me, are the best and easier to follow. We have a lot of new readers and this will help them follow along. 

So help we welcome the New Year with all our New Friends! If you find a deal, find a coupons, find a website that has an amazing deal or if you just SCORED at your local store (retail, grocery or drug store) please email the info and/or pictures and I can get them posted.

Bettimoe (at) gmail (dot) com

1 comment:

  1. That is TOTALLY AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats. I began couponing in August and saved over $1,000 (and I didn't log everything)... it really adds up!!!!!


Let's start sharing those great ideas!