Clipping Money: A Challenge? I love challenges!


A Challenge? I love challenges!

While sitting at the computer looking for houses, my husband asked me how we were doing using all the food in the freezers.  I told him we were doing pretty good but still have a ways to go. See, we can't take the food with us when we move.  He then came up with this crazy idea... He asked me if I can only spend $50 for the month of January. I had to laugh out loud! He said, I bet that you can't live out of the freezer and pantry for the whole month.  He gave me a $50 bill and said, "Do you accept?" What are you nuts?! Of course I accept. The $50 will be for dairy, fruit, meat, veggies and bread. I'm pretty sure I can do this! I'll log my spending so you can see how I do it!

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Let's start sharing those great ideas!