Clipping Money: Facebook New Settings: Read For Your Protection


Facebook New Settings: Read For Your Protection

Please Read for your protection
and the protection of your friends and family!

Today, the new FaceBook Privacy setting called “instant personalization” goes into effect.

The new setting shares your data with non-FaceBook sites and it is automatically set to ‘enabled.’

To fix this go to Account> Privacy settings> Apps and Websites> Instant Personalization> edit settings and UN-CHECK “enable.”

Right when you click on Instant Personalization edit settings – a video pops up and looks like you are in the wrong spot, scroll down under it…

By the way if your friends don’t do this, they will be sharing info about you as well.


  1. Mine, my daughter's, husband's and son's were clicked off to start. and if we wanted it we had to click it.

    thanks for the info though. To turn off instant personalization on all partner sites, uncheck the box below. This will prevent these partners from receiving any of your information through instant personalization, even content you have made available to everyone.


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