Clipping Money: Personal Review: Oxi Clean Laundry Stain Remover


Personal Review: Oxi Clean Laundry Stain Remover

As many of you know, my family got hit with the stomach flu last week. And let me tell you, it left it's mark. All 3 of my kids couldn't keep anything down. I was scrubbing floors and washing sheets all day long. I scrubbed my house and used tons of Lysol just to make sure it was gone!

After I put my kids to bed I plopped down in front of the TV to catch up on a little DVR. Half way into the show, I hear it. The really gross sound... the sound where you know you are going to have to clean something up! I walked into my son's room and right there in the middle of the bed, on top of his sheets, his comforter and his pillow was Anthony's dinner :( Spaghett-O's. Oh yeah, that was an Uh Oh Spaghett-O's moment! I got Anthony cleaned up and calmed down enough to lay him in my bed so I can clean the mess. Now remember, this stain was sitting in him bed for a good 15 minutes. I knew it went through the sheets and the mattress was ruined. I was going to give it a try and see if I could get this out.

I ran dragged myself downstairs to get the Little Green Machine (I love that thing) and this bottle of Oxi Clean Laundry Stain Remover. I was thinking to myself, Billy Mayes - I really hopes this works! I had better see the stain disappear right in front of my eyes. I stripped the bed down and took the mattress off. I then began spraying this Oxi Clean directly on the stain! As I worked my way down to the bottom of the mess, I went back up to the top to respray it and I couldn't believe what I saw! The stain was disappearing. I took my Little Green Machine and started scrubbing and the whole stain was coming right out! I know this bottle said laundry stain remover, but I thought I would try it to get this nasty stain out.

This bottle is sitting right next to what was the "mess". You can't even tell and I am so thankful that Oxi Clean worked.  It worked just like Billy said it would :)

I was in no way contacted by Oxi Clean to do this post. I wasn't given anything for compensation. I bought this out of my own pocket and just wanted to write an honest review about a product I used.

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