Clipping Money: Walgreens – $5 Neuragen PN Money Maker!


Walgreens – $5 Neuragen PN Money Maker!

According to Christy over at Wild for Wags, there is an unadvertised $10 Register Reward available when you purchase Neuragen PN!  Here’s how you can turn this deal into a money-maker…
  • Buy 1 Neuragen PN Pain Relief Topical Solution, $14.99 (be sure to price check…the shelf tag may say $29.99!)
    • Use the $10/1 Neuragen coupon found in the 12/5 RP insert (regional?) or the Diabetes & You Winter Magazine (found on a rack by the Pharmacy)
    • Pay $4.99, but get back a $10 RR
    • Final Cost = FREE + $5.01 money maker!
(Thanks, Wild for Wags!)

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