Clipping Money: Win a Pair of Petrol Jeans!


Win a Pair of Petrol Jeans!

petrol 300x237 Free Petrol Jeans

Win A Pair Of Petrol Jeans!
Just invite your friends to "like" Petrol on Facebook and comment your name- if you get 20 friends to leave your name in the comment section HERE, you'll win a FREE pair of JEANS! You'll need to click on "comment" in this tab, not on their wall. If you get 20 friends to comment your name before 1/31, you get a free pair of jeans!


(If you want to help me get a free pair, you can comment "Elizabeth Kusak Duncan!) 
There's no limit as to how many comments you can leave. Let's help each other out and in the comment section, leave your facebook name and we can all help each other win!

(Thanks, Jolene)


  1. Please say that Zhen Tastik sent you! Will return the favor just message me on fb!

  2. Jillian, I added your name!
    Zhen, I added you name also!

  3. Will be glad to help anyone out just message me on facebook


Let's start sharing those great ideas!