Clipping Money: Kohl's Shopping Trip 2/19


Kohl's Shopping Trip 2/19

My husband and I went to Kohl's this past weekend. See, he secretly saved my 30% off flier that came in the mail. Here's how he presented the shopping trip to me...

Joe: Hey, are you doing anything this morning (Sat)? 
Me: What do you mean? Like, besides taking care of the kids??????? No :)
Joe: Did you know Kohl's has this Super Saturday Sale today and it ends at 1pm?
Me: Do you realize who you just asked?
Joe: Oh.... sorry. Ummm... about that sale. I found a 30% off coupon on this flier.
Me: You mean, the flier I put on the table???
Joe: Yes. I saved it and was wondering if you would like to go shopping?
Me: You mean, you found something you really like and want to use the 30% off coupon but you need my Kohl's card in order to get that 30% discount.
Joe: Yes, I really like this watch and it's 30% off until 1pm and I want to use this 30% to save even more!
Me: **gigle**
Joe: What are you laughing at?
Me: Nothing... Mr. I hate coupons...
Joe: ....silence.....
Me: Sure dear... I can get ready now :)


Here's his watch. Pretty fancy, huh? Well we got his watch, a Hello Kitty Kitty purse for Emily (clearance), Transformers Hat & Glove Set (clearance), 5 shirts for the boys (clearance), 7 bras (clearance) & a nice blue dress shirt for Joe.

Our total was $483.98 (before the 30%)
Now with our my 30% discount -$145.20
plus tax (darn it) $22.02
Total $360.80

Total saved $523.22

BUT I received $60 in Kohl's cash to use this week!!

To break it down To make it look better... haha
The watch with the discount was $242.55
Husband's dress shirt with discount $24.49
Shirts, bras, purse, hat & gloves $71.74 (14 items @ $5.12 a piece)
(minus the $60 in Kohl's cash would be $11.74)

Now to me... that looks better then the lump sum :)
As for the jewelry... that was fun...

As we were walking out, the lady forgot to demagnetize the watch so the alarms went off. NICE!! On our way back to the counter, I spotted some jewelry on clearance :) I told Joe I would meet him at the car. 

Total $51.40
-15.42 (30% discount)
darn tax $2.34
Total $38.32

Total saved $150.02

The cashier was so nice and she added my first total to this total and figured out I earned another $10 in Kohl's cash.


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