Clipping Money: Rite Aid Trip 2/4


Rite Aid Trip 2/4 

I headed to Rite Aid today to try and SCORE some Lays Chips but apparently, someone beat me to them because they were all gone :( So I continued to to shop and see what other deals I could find. I went to see if they had any ice cream left because they are running a great deal. I head on over and notice the only flavors left were the vanilla and butter pecan. I didn't want to stock up on those flavors so I went up to the front and asked if they had any more in the back. The lady said no, someone was just in and bought all the other flavors. My response was, "Seriously?" So I then turn around and head to the vitamins to see if I could put together a deal. After deciding not to do the vitamins, I head up to check out. They lady from behind the counter sounded so excited as she asked, "Where were you?  I was looking for you.  The ice cream man just came in and delivered a BUNCH of ice cream." My response again was, "Seriously?" I have now begun to wonder how many times I say seriously in one day... When my daughter heard ice cream man, she took off running! We found him, standing in front of a mound of ice cream tubs. I stood there and smiled. I wonder if he thought I was smiling at him? LOL. He asked me what flavors I would be interested in and started to run through all the flavors he brought in. As you see in the picture, Emily and I picked out quite a selection.  As I returned to the counter, I thanked the cashier for letting me know the ice cream man was here.  I then began to check out...
Transaction #1
  • 2 funnels
  • 6 Ed's ice creams
  • 4 starbursts (1 is missing... found it in my daughters hand)
  • 2 K-Y liquid
Total $34.91
Coupons $15.00
Used $19.00 in UP's
OOP $0.91 (in tax)

RECEIVED $17.00 in UP's back

Transaction #2
  • 6 Ed's ice creams

Total $17.94
Used $17.00 in UP's
OOP $0.94

RECEIVED $32.00 in UP's
($20.00 was for reaching my $100 in Winter savings reward)

As I headed to my car and strapped my daughter in, the ice cream man came out waving his hand up for me to wait. He approached my car and asked, "Would you like these damaged ice creams? I can't sell them because they are dented." I asked him if he was sure, and after he insisted, I thanked him for the 2 extra ice creams. I thought that was very thoughtful of him! Thank you Mr. Ice Cream Man!!

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