Clipping Money: Target: 6 Free American Greetings Cards


Target: 6 Free American Greetings Cards

AGcards 300x241 Target: 6 Free American Greetings Cards
Still need Valentine’s day cards?? Here is a great deal at Target!!

At Target - American Greetings cards start at just $1.29.

Buy 3 American Greetings Cards  $1.29 each
Use $2/2 American Greetings Printable Coupon found HERE
Use $1/3 Greeting Cards Target Store Printable Coupon 
Final Price = $.29 each wyb 3
Buy 6 American Greetings Cards $1.29 each
Use (3) $2/2 American Greetings Printable Coupon found HERE
Use (2) $1/3 Greeting Cards Target Store Printable Coupon 
Final Price = All 6 FREE

Thanks, Saving Money In Missouri


  1. I didn't see any coupons for the cards on Target's website but I did get a $1/3 mobile coupon from them.

  2. Ok, to find this coupon is a little tricky. Instead of looking in a category, click on SHOW ALL. Then scroll through (mine was towards the end) and you should find it. Let me know if that works.

  3. how are you able to print more than one... it disappeared after the first one.


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