Clipping Money: When Life Hands You a Blizzard... Make Ice Cream!


When Life Hands You a Blizzard... Make Ice Cream!

     Wondering what you are going to do with all that snow Mother Nature dumped in your yard? Well, here is an idea. While sitting at the table, eating dinner, my 8 year old asked if we can make ice cream. I told him you have to make a special ice cream maker. I also forgot that my son is at the age where Mom isn't always right and he will prove me wrong.... Which he did.

     Here is how to make ice cream out of snow :) Wait, let me correct myself. Here is how to make ice cream out of freshly fallen clean white snow!

Get a bowl (metal if possible to keep snow cold).
Head out in your yard and get 5 cups of snow. 
(do not pack the snow)
In a separate bowl, combine the following...
1 cup of milk
1 Tbsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup sugar
dash of salt

Mix these ingredients until the sugar is dissolved. 
Pour the mixture over the snow and mix together. If you find that it's now too thin, add some snow. 
This mixture should be on the thicker side and not runny.
Put this (bowl and all) in your freezer for 1 & 1/2 hours.
**This might mean you have to move around your stockpile to get this to fit**

This is the first time I have ever made this so I will video the results.... FUN!

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