Clipping Money: FREE Batteries & FREE Tape At Staples... SCORE


FREE Batteries & FREE Tape At Staples... SCORE

Remember the post I did about the FREE batteries from Staples HERE? Well, how can you pass up FREE batteries? I also got FREE Scotch tape at Staples, too. All I did was have them scan my Staples Reward Card, gave her the 2 batteries and actually only 2 tapes (limit 2 per person per day). I used the $1.00 off ANY (there's that word again) Scotch tape coupon from HERE and only paid $27.80. I then had Joey buy 2 tapes (used 2 coupons) and paid $0.14. And Anthony bought 1 tape (used 1 coupon) and paid $0.07!

Then went I got home, I logged into my Staples account and filled out the form and submitted for the rebate. I will get all my money back. Now the cashier did tell me that this will go on for awhile so I can do this deal once a week. WOW! That's what I call a SCORE!!!

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