Clipping Money: No More Rack: Refer 5 Friends Get Free Earrings!


No More Rack: Refer 5 Friends Get Free Earrings!

no more rack 225x300 No More Rack: Refer 5 Friends Get Free Earrings!
Here is a great promotion from No More Rack! Get five of your friends to like them on Facebook and get a free pair of earrings.

From their Facebook page:
“You asked for it – Facebook giveaway weekend is back! Get 5 friends to “Fan us” on facebook and take home a free pair of earrings. Giveaway ends Sunday Midnight EST. To get credit, simply ask your friends to post your name in the comments below or on our wall. To claim your earrings e-mail: experience @ with your address. All earrings are shipped out Tuesday.”

Can we help each other out? Leave your name in the comment section so we can help each other out. My name is Elizabeth Duncan, in case you would like to help me out. I will also return the favor! 

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