Clipping Money: Special Treat for Philosophy Facebook Fans (freebie??)


Special Treat for Philosophy Facebook Fans (freebie??)

philosophy products Special Treat for Philosophy Facebook Fans (freebie??)
UPDATE: They reached their 100,000 fans and Saturday there will be a celebration for ALL!

Philosophy has announced on their Facebook page that once they reach 100,000 Likers, they will have a “special treat’! Go here to like them so you won’t miss out on the Special Treat!

Here is what it says on their wall:
“Thanks to all of you, our fabulous Philosophy Facebook community is almost to 100,000 fans! Continue to spread the philosophy love, by simply clicking on the “share” link on our Facebook page to share this message with your friends. Once we reach 100,000 fans, we will share a special treat with all of our Philosophy Facebook friends!”

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