Clipping Money: SWAGBUCKS...Have You Searched Today?


SWAGBUCKS...Have You Searched Today?

These Swag Bucks are like gold, aren't they? I don't know about you but I do a little happy dance when I get one :) Don't forget to search a few times a day for them. I usually search in the morning, afternoon and then again in the evening.

     Don't forget the Daily Poll gives you 1 Swag Buck for completing the poll. Do this every day for a month and get 30 Swag Bucks total.

     Did you also know, when you click on the Trusted Survey button, you also get 1 Swag Buck? Yep, do this every day for a month and get 30 Swag Bucks. Now you are up to 60 FREE, easy Swag Bucks.

     There is also a button labeled NOSO. Click on that, then click the red circle to get started. You don't have to fill out these forms. Just scroll down to the bottom of the page and skip the offers. After the 4th or 5th one, you get 1 Swag Buck. Haha, you're right again, do this for a month and get 30 FREE Swag Bucks. Now you are at 90 Swag Bucks!

     Not to mention the Swag Bucks you can get when you take one of the Trusted Surveys. I did one about a month ago, and it was so worth it. It took about 20 minutes, but the reward at the end made it worth it!

Yes sir re BOB! I received 100 Swag Bucks. 

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