Clipping Money: WOW, What A SCORE At Bath & Body Works Last Weekend!!


WOW, What A SCORE At Bath & Body Works Last Weekend!!


 Ok, by now I think most of you know how much I seriously LOVE Bath & Body Works. The rest of you... hahaha... now you know :) Here's what I did last weekend when Bath & Body Works put out their facebook coupon for a FREE 2oz Country Chic lotion...

This is what I was originally going for until Bath & Body Works released a coupon good for a FREE 2 oz bottle of Country Chic lotion. The girls at B&B were so awesome, they let me do 2 separate transactions. First I noticed that the 2 oz bottle of Country Chic was on sale for $1.00!!!  SCORE!!!! So I used THIS COUPON that was good for a FREE Travel Size Signature Item with the purchase of ANY (say it with me... ANY) item. So I picked up the $1.00 lotion and got the $5.00 body spray (Country Chic) for FREE! That total transaction was $1.07!!

Now, here's what I did with my next transaction.

I used another FREE Signature Collection Item with the purchase of ANY (I love that word in coupons) item. So I picked up another $1.00 Country Chic in the 2 oz bottle and another $5.00 body spray PLUS another 2 oz bottle of Country Chic (for the FREE facebook coupon). They ladies said I would have to ring them separately, but they would have to sell it to my daughter (because the coupon stated 1 per person per visit). Now mind you, she's 2. Talk about a crash course of handing money to a stranger... Yeah, that went well. My daughter wanted to keep the $1.00 bill. After some persuading, she handed the $1.00 over and was elated to get a bag with the lotion in it! I then redeemed the FREE lotion coupon from the facebook offer and was on my way.
Recap... I bought everything posted above for $2.14!

It retails for $21.25

**doing my happy dance**


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