Clipping Money: What To Do With Expired Coupons


What To Do With Expired Coupons


     Ok, so I know some of you are going through your coupons and are pulling all the expired one... BUT WAIT! Please don't throw them out. Did you know that our military stationed overseas can use your expired coupons up to 6 months PAST the expiration date? There is a great site called Coups For Troops …You can donate your clipped & expired coupons to them and they will get them into the hands of Military Personnel who can use them!  All you need to do is cut them… and send them on over!  You don’t need to separate them into categories or do anything special…just clip and send!    

Coups For Troops
PO Box 147
Winnabow NC 28479

What types of coupons should I send?
All manufacturer coupons
Coupons specific to stores cannot be used (ie Target, Publix, CVS).
Printed internet coupons can be used by our recipients.
Because of the time it takes packages to get to our recipients, send coupons that have expired in the last month or two.  Commissaries will accept coupons that are up to six months expired.
What do I need to do before I mail them?
We only ask that you cut out the coupons before sending them to us.  This way you can fit more coupons in a smaller package.  You can save money by using priority mail.
Do I have to sort them, too?
As of June 6 2011, we are no longer concerned with separating the coupons into food and non-food.
Do overseas commissaries and PXs really accept expired coupons?
It’s true.  Commissaries overseas will accept expired coupons up to 6 months past their expiration date.  Read their expired coupons policy here.  Those stationed in Alaska or Hawaii, although considered an “overseas move” by the US military, cannot use expired coupons.
I don’t live in North Carolina.  Can I still send you my coupons?
Absolutely! Our military families don’t care where the coupons come from. They just appreciate your support.
Who will receive and benefit from these coupons?
We strive to help all that stand the line, regardless of branch.   We send one hundred percent of the donated coupons to our recipients all over the globe.  The expired coupon policy only applies to commissaries overseas.  Families serving outside of The US are unable to find coupons like we can here.  View our map to see where we send our coupons, where our recipients are serving.

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