Clipping Money: Where To Find Coupons


Where To Find Coupons


So you’ve decided to start couponing but you have no clue as to where to get the coupons…or how many to get?  Let me help you out!

There are lots of places to find coupons….they’re actually all around you and the longer you coupon the more you will notice them!  Here are the most common ways to get your hands on them…

The Sunday paper  I know that ones obvious!  But, did you know you can buy the Sunday paper at the dollar store for just $1.00!  When I started couponing I had no idea that they sold them there!

FREE Community newspapers….many FREE community newspapers carry the Smart Source Coupon books!  This is where I normally get mine!  Gotta love FREE!

In your mail box!  In many areas the Redplum and Procter & Gamble coupon books are delivered right to your mailbox in an ad mailer on Tuesday or Wednesday.  To find out how your Redplum is CLICK HERE and enter your address, the Redplum site will tell you based upon your address if you get yours delivered or if it is found in your local newspaper!

In magazines!  Many magazines have coupons in them and they are usually pretty high value too!  I post a lot of links to FREE or very inexpensive magazine subscriptions, so the coupons will come to you. However, one magazine that I would highly recommend to you would be ALL YOUALL YOU is a magazine that is ONLY found online and at Walmart.  It is full of high value coupons and great money saving ideas. Seriously the whole point of the magazine is coupons!  You can get a good deal on ALL YOU here….much better than paying retail for it at Walmart.

OnlineRedplum, SmartSource and are great places to find coupons online which you can then print off right from home!  These sites generally will let you print 2 of each coupons they have posted and many times the coupons released on these sites are high value and won't be available for long.  When new coupons are posted on these sites I normally do a post about them letting you know what's available and also letting you know you should print them before they are gone!  These coupons are known as IP’s or “internet printables”.

Tear Pads and Blinkies! Tear pads and blinkies are coupons you will find at the store, right on the shelf or display.  The tear pads are just that, a pad of coupons in front of a product, that you can tear off and use right away or save for later.  Blinkies are coupons in a little blinking machine that clips to the shelf at the store, after you take a coupon it blinks and spits out another…hence the name “blinkie”.  Even if your not going to get the item the blinkie or tear pad is for, still take a few of the coupons because many times the item goes on sale a week or so later.  Also keep an eye out for coupon books scattered through the stores on various displays.  *tip* One way I keep my kids occupied in the store is by having them scout out coupon books, tear pads and blinkies….when they have a “job” they behave really well! That's a SCORE in my book!!!

Clipper Service!  You can always order coupons that you like from a clipper service.  Say that there is a regional coupon for $1/1 Colgate toothpaste that you really want because it will make toothpaste at Walmart FREE…well, visit a Manufacturers Coupons and order yourself some $1/1 Colgate toothpaste coupons!  Using a clipper service will help you build up your stockpile…you can order 5, 10, 20…as many coupon as you like for a just a few cents each!

So now that you know where to find them, how many should you get??  Well really that depends on how many people are in your household.  A good rule of thumb would be get 1 insert per household member.  We have 5 people in our family so I generally get 5 of each insert (SS, RP and PG)!  This may seem like a lot to some of you if you only have 1-2 people in your house, but for others it may not be enough!  Think of it this way, the more inserts you are able to get the more products you will be able to stockpile.

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