Clipping Money: Easy Way To Get Clipping Money Back On Your Facebook Wall!!!!


Easy Way To Get Clipping Money Back On Your Facebook Wall!!!!

facebook logo Easy Way To Get MoJo Savings Back On Your Facebook Wall!!!! 

SCORE!!!!!! It appears Facebook has listened and we can now CHOOSE what we want to see on our Facebook wall. If you are like me and have been upset with missing updates from your friends, family, and favorite pages, now you can change your settings EASILY to show the Most Recent Stories!
To do this, go to your Facebook wall and look for the “Sort” drop down menu at the top of your wall:

image263 Easy Way To Get MoJo Savings Back On Your Facebook Wall!!!!
Click on the little arrow and make sure you select “Recent Stories First”.
FB Latest Posts Easy Way To Get MoJo Savings Back On Your Facebook Wall!!!! 

This will allow you to see all posts, in chronological order on your wall. If however you stick with the default “Highlighted Stories First”, then you will only see the posts Facebook thinks you want which many times isn’t things you want at all. It appears that once you make the change to ‘Recent Stories First’ that it will stay that way too which means you don’t have to change it every time.

Forward this post to any of your friends and family that may be frustrated with the recent Facebook changes so they can see how easy it is to get it back the way it was.

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