Clipping Money: Free Twilight Movie Rental at Blockbuster Express


Free Twilight Movie Rental at Blockbuster Express


 Get a FREE Twilight saga movie rental at a Blockbuster Express kiosk through 11/30/11 with the code TWILIGHTSAGA. Click here to find a location near you.


  1. The way things are right now, it’s hard to save a few bucks, but this is a great way to stretch the entertainment budget! Another great way to save on video rentals is by switching your TV service over to DISH Network. As a customer and employee of DISH I know that customers can get access to the Blockbuster Movie Pass, which gets me over 100,000 movie titles either through the mail or streamed right to my computer or TV. Why go to the video store when you can stream right to your living room?

  2. I love saving money and getting free stuff. Once you use the free code to see Twilight, you should checkout the Blockbuster Movie Pass for streaming and mail service movies. Because I’m a customer and employee of DISH Network, I can stream movies directly from my DISH Network satellite receiver. If the movie I want to see isn’t available for streaming, I can use the mail service to get any other titles I want. If you’re into saving money and time, check it out! I don’t think I could live without it.


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