Clipping Money: Krazy Glue: My Krazy Life *I WON*


Krazy Glue: My Krazy Life *I WON*

Krazy Glue
Krazy Glue had a giveaway that I entered. It was called "My Krazy Life"!
I just got an email saying I won an awesome T-Shirt for my Krazy Story!

Here's my Krazy Story:

I've Got Your Krazy

Life doesn't seem to slow down so we have to speed up. 99% of the time we are racing somewhere. Running downstairs (knocking off a planter) to hurry and eat before the kids miss the bus, running upstairs to get dressed (knocking the piggy bank off the dresser), running downstairs to grab some books (knocking over a dish), how about trying to hurry and put up the tree before family arrives (breaking a few ornaments), maybe your my son and your racing to clean up your room (the room that was supposed to be cleaned yesterday) and step on your little brothers favorite toy (CRUNCH)... Yeah, I've got your Krazy and Krazy has my piece of mind knowing that no matter how Krazy our life is... they help put it back together :)

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