Clipping Money: I Love A Good Giveaway


I Love A Good Giveaway

I Heart A Good Giveaway 

Are you hosting a giveaway or looking to win something? I'm convinced that entering giveaways is a great way to acquire things frugally. It doesn't cost anything but a bit of  time, and blogs often offer great prizes to their readers.

Check out all of my giveaways!! 

baskets of love for mom giveaway event

Please link up your giveaways using the following format: Blog Name - Name of Contest - End Date. Please link directly to your giveaway and not to your home page.  A link back to Clipping Money is always   appreciated! Let's SCORE something :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the linky! Btw, I liked you on FB and linked you to my page :)


Let's start sharing those great ideas!