Clipping Money: Lunch at #ChickfilA with a #Free Cone


Lunch at #ChickfilA with a #Free Cone

Since we had some running around to do today, I thought I would treat the kids to Chick-fil-A for lunch. When we got there, we saw a table set up with a Family Challenge opportunity.  

As we stood pondering at the idea to give up our cell phones, an employee came over and explained that if we all put our cell phones in the box and can eat our meals cell phone free, we would all get a FREE ice cream cone!

My oldest quickly open the box and encouraged us to drop them in!
So in they went!

A few times I caught myself reaching in my back pocket for my phone. The kids laughed at me!! 

At the end of our meal we sat there eating our ice cream cone and agreed that this was a great idea! We put our phones down and laughed at our conversations and jokes. It was such a great experience. I'm really thinking of doing this at home, too. 

Thanks Chick-fil-A!

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Let's start sharing those great ideas!