Clipping Money: Pet Gift Box #Review


Pet Gift Box #Review

I was really excited to received this Pet Gift Box to review with my fur babies! My dogs are very picky when it comes to toys, treats and snacks. They truly are hit or miss. I was really excited when this Pet Gift Box came and when I opened it, my dogs went crazy!!

First up, we have these All Natural Dog Treats with Duck! These are the perfect size for training or a small little treat. My dogs LOVED them!

This Peanut Butter DogsBar is such a great idea. It's a great idea to take along with us when we go for a walk. 

My dogs go through toys so fast. They find a way to just rip them apart in little pieces... and they are so proud of their accomplishments, too! This toy is built to withstand the hardest of players. I used some of the duck treats inside each end of this ball and the results were amazing. My dog, Princess, loved pushing this ball around because when she did, she got rewarded with little treats! She was so happy you will hear her "talking". 

The next toy they received was a crinkle sounding paw. This was Buddy's favorite toy! He couldn't wait to shake it to death, lol. 

I love that it it not only soft on the outside but it was a canvas like material on the paw pads.

He's just wait for me to say "get it!"

He takes this toy everywhere in the house!

And last by not least, this little blue guy!

He's so soft and lightweight! This guy was so easy for Princess to carry around with her.

Can we keep him, Mom?

This Pet Gift Box is such a great idea and they start at only $25!! Head on over and take a look!

Disclosure: I received this Pet Box for free in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation was received. All opinions expressed here are my own... and my pets :)

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Let's start sharing those great ideas!