Clipping Money: Rite Aid Trip 2/16


Rite Aid Trip 2/16

I had a few +UPs I needed to use before they expired so I made a quick trip to Rite Aid. 
Thank goodness they are only 4 minutes from the house :)

6 Lays $1.79 each
2 Colgate Sensitive $3.50 each
4 Gain $4.99 each
5 Gas X $4.99 each

Total before coupons = $64.44

Rain check for Lays 2/$2
(These were 2 for $2 with a $2 UP for each 2 sold. Made them FREE)
2 Colgate coupon $1.00 off
5 Gax X coupon $4.00
4 Gain coupons $3.00

Then used $9.00 in +UPs

Subtotal $0.91
Tax $2.59
Total OOP (out of pocket) $3.50


I then received $19.00 back
(I forgot to wipe Anthony's pasta off his face before I took the pic)

I saved $60.94
Say it with me... SCORE!!!!

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