Clipping Money: Walmart Coupon Policy


Walmart Coupon Policy


Here's another coupon policy you should print and put in your coupon binder in case you ever encounter a problem (which I do when shopping at Walmart) The cashiers LOVE to make their own rules!

It came from their website here.

Walmart accepts the following types of coupons (see guidelines below):
  • Manufacturer coupons (Cents Off)
  • Free merchandise (or manufacturer’s Buy-One-Get-One-Free) coupons
  • Store coupons
  • Pharmacy (Advertising and Promotional) coupons
  • Internet coupons
  • Soft drink container caps
The following are guidelines and limits:
  • Walmart only accepts coupons for merchandise we sell and only when presented at the time of purchase.
  • Coupons should have an expiration date and be presented within the valid dates. Walmart will not accept expired coupons.
  • Internet coupons should be legible and say “Manufacturer Coupon.” There should be a valid remit address for the manufacturer and a scannable bar code.
  • Only one coupon per item is permitted.
  • Use of 40 or more coupons per transaction will require approval by Customer Service Manager.

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