Clipping Money: Happy Birthday To My Little Anthony


Happy Birthday To My Little Anthony

I can't believe today in my little Anthony's birthday!! He is now 6 years old. He was born 2 weeks early (thanks to a very stressful day at work the day before). He was almost 10 pounds... can you tell? Ha!

Now see, I'll take you back a few months to when we had the ultrasound done. The nurse asked us if we wanted to find out what we were having. I quickly said, NO! It doesn't matter what we are having. All I want to know is if the baby has 10 fingers and 10 toes and is healthy. My husband, on the other hand, said YES. Poor nurse, she was caught in the middle. I continued to say NO and my husband decided to get cleaver and bribe the nurse to tell him. After the ultra sound was done, I went into the restroom to clean the gel off. I came out and my husband wasn't looking too happy with me. I reassured him that it made no difference what we were having. I wanted the surprise to be be just that.. a surprise.

Throughout this pregnancy I was carrying differently, craving different foods and boy did the smells get to me! I was sure we were having a little girl. About 2 months later, I told my husband I wanted to run out and get a few things and I would be right back. He said alright... don't get lost.  Haha, that's his way of telling me not to take that long. I came back a little while later and had to show him what I bought. I was so excited!! I asked him to sit down and close his eyes. I then pulled out 3 baby girl dresses and asked him to open his eyes! He looked at them and said (and I quote!!!) "I wouldn't go out and buy to many of those if I were you!!" WHAT! Are you joking me? I asked him what he meant and he said it again. Come to find out the nurse told him what we were having when I went to the restroom to clean off the gel. Now it wasn't a surprise anymore. My husband could see that I was hurt. I couldn't believe he found out.

Anthony was born at 11:10am and was named after his Great Grandfather, Anthony Loas. Anthony is my love bug! He is always giving me hugs and kisses. He wakes up with a smile on his face EVERY morning. He will wake up, stroll into our room and say, "Well good morning Mommy. Did you have a good na-night?" The best way I can describe Anthony is he's happy to be here. It doesn't matter where he is or what he is doing. Anthony has a smile on his face and he will warm your heart. For example: We just moved to PA about a month ago. Our lawn looks a mess with all these rocks all over the front yard. After dinner yesterday, my husband asked the kids if they would help pick up some of the rocks. Joey groaned and said, "Do we have to?" Emily followed and said, " I no want to!" and Anthony said, "Yeah, sure Dad. Can we look for worms too?" Yes he even had a smile when he said it. Anthony melts my heart :)

So today we have an amazing day planned. We are making Monkey Bread for breakfast and then we are going to take off and go to Blue Mountain Lake to fish! Then we are going to pack the car and go for a secret drive. I don't even know where Daddy is taking us but it's always fun. We will then stop for lunch and then head out to a park to enjoy the afternoon. Since the pool opens today we will be stopping there to have even more fun. Anthony also has a birthday party to go to for a few hours in the late afternoon. Followed by a scavenger hunt to find all his presents that I hid! Haha, I can't wait to get started.


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