Clipping Money: Homemade Pickles #Recipe


Homemade Pickles #Recipe

I don't think I calculated the outcome of my cucumbers very well.  My garden usually didn't thrive very well so if some of them died... I still had a few. Well, let me tell you! This year has been the best gardening year I have ever had! So much stuff!! 

I am currently picking about 5 cucumbers a day and I am running out of things to make. I can only give so many away, too. 

Today I am going to make some pickles. Doesn't seem too hard to make. Here's what you will need.

  • 1 quart jar with a lid
  • 2-3 cucumbers (as many as you can fit into a jar)
  • 1 Tbsp dill seed
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed and minced
  • 3 Tbsp white distilled vinegar 
  • 1 tsp kosher salt
  • distilled or filtered water - enough to top off each jar
  • 20 black peppercorn

Cut the pickles into discs, spears or sandwich slices and add them to the jar with all the ingredients except the water. 

Once you have everything in the jar, fill it up with the filtered water to the very top. Screw on the lid and make sure it is put on tightly. Then give it a really good shake! This will disburse the flavors all over. 

Now, just place them on your countertop for 12 hours. Shake them again and tun them upside down for another 12 hours. Make sure that the lid is screwed on tightly to avoid leaks. 

After the pickles have sat for a total of 24 hours, it's time to give them a taste. 

Store them in the refrigerator and enjoy them within a month! 

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